速報APP / 娛樂 / Labrador Pose Tool 3D

Labrador Pose Tool 3D



檔案大小:49 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Labrador Pose Tool 3D(圖1)-速報App

www.alienthink.com for video demo

Breakthrough Labrador posing tool for the artist. You can create any pose quickly with an easy to use pose interface. Its simple, just select the Labrador body part and then pose the Labrador anyway you want. The coolest feature most important to artist is the Labrador uses no constraints allowing geometry to intersect. This allows Artist to pose from realistic to extreme poses. Use it for Drawing, Manga, Illustration, Character Design, Animation, Story Boarding, Comic Books.

The Labrador Pose Tool 3D was designed by the Artist Riven Phoenix who brought you super hit 'Pose Tool 3D' app for figure drawing artists. His Pose Tool 3D apps were declared the top 10 must have art apps by imagineFX magazine.

The Labrador Pose Tool uses state-of-the-art 3D Engine that allows you to pose a organic model.

Touch Controls:

- One Finger - Orbit around figure

- One Finger Tap - Select body part

- Two Finger Pinch - Zoom in and Out and Pan at the same time. This feature gives you the ability to setup dramatic shots for your poses quickly. Very powerful feature.

Menu Features:

- Pose Buttons

- Help Menu

- Save Current Pose

- Load Last Saved Pose

- Center Labrador

Labrador Pose Tool 3D(圖2)-速報App

- Reset Labrador Pose to Starting Pose

- Hide Menu Bar

- 3 Point lighting System

- Gesture System mode

- Life Drawing Mode

- Mannequin Mode

- Cube Guides

- Perspective Guide

- Screenshot

- Camera FOV

- Sketch Mode

Organic Moving Parts:

- Head

- Jaw with teeth

Labrador Pose Tool 3D(圖3)-速報App

- Neck

- Chest

- Abs

- Waist

- Hip

- Shoulders

- Forearms

- Wrist

- Hands

- Thighs

- Legs

- Shins

- Foot

- Tail

Labrador Pose Tool 3D(圖4)-速報App


Labrador Pose Tool 3D(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad